Sunday, March 23, 2025
The Lodge at Old Mill
Hours - 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Early Bird Ticket Price - $50.00
Cigar Tastings - Vendors - Food Trucks
Live Music - .... and so much more!
The North Georgia Cigar Festival features various cigar vendors, accessory brands, cigar lounges and stores, and cigar-related businesses. Attendees can meet and interact with other cigar enthusiasts, learn about different cigar varieties, and purchase unique products. The festival creates a vibrant atmosphere where enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the world of cigars and celebrate cigar traditions.
Introduce your cigars to over 200 cigar enthusiasts, who will attend the event to learn more about new cigars, network and talk about cigars, and smoke cigars right then and there. You will get your cigars right into the consumer's hands.
Provide the official festival cutter with your exclusive company branding. The cutters will be included in the event bag and given to all attendees. The sponsor will provide the cutter, which the North Georgia Cigar Festival must approve. This branding opportunity will be exclusive!
Place your logo on the North Georgia Cigar Fest 2025 event bag. The organizer will produce bags, which are given to all attendees and include cigars and promo items available to cigar enthusiasts. This branding opportunity will be exclusive!
As the lanyard sponsor, your company name/logo will be around the neck of every attendee. We will hand out the festival lanyards at registration to each attendee with your compliments. The organizer will produce lanyards.
Place your logo on the event badge everybody will wear! Contact us about the pricing.
Purchase tickets at a special price package and invite customers and friends to the event. We have a unique ticket program available. Please contact us for more information.
744 Noah Drive - Suite 113-208 - Jasper, GA 30143 USA
Email -
Phone - +1 (404) 735-5646
Copyright © 2024 - North Georgia Cigar Festival, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Organized by North Georgia Cigar Festival, LLC